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Couples and the growing communities of Layla and Tera Patrick fans.

Rude Girls 2

The \"rude girls\" aren\'t that rude -- but they are sexy enough to satisfy most tastes.

Student Body

Box cover beauty Dasha acquits herself well. Anybody who rents based on the box will be pleased.

World Sex Tour 21

Fans of this sterling series, of course, as well as anyone who would dearly like to travel the world porking gorgeous local gals. The potential audience, in other words, is vast.


They don\'t call them Wicked girls for nothing. Alexa, Devinn Lane & Temptress join the dance macabre....

Black Heart

Nothing special; it should do fine among other films of this type. It might be worthwhile to pair it up with the 1993 mainstream movie <I>Twenty Bucks</I> and go for the crossover.


Best suited to fans of Bridgett Kerkove and devotees of digital effects.

Around the Way Girls

Fans -- black, white or whatever -- looking for authentic-feeling all-black eoritca and which titillates and arouses but never insults, offends or degrades.

Blow Job University 3

Better-than-average loads, plus a refreshing attitude of humility and gratitude from the performers, should afford this prominent shelf space.

Fresh Meat 8

This is some of the best stuff out there. Guide your customers to it and make sure you have plenty in stock.