Put it with all those other best-selling Voyeur volumes.
Entertaining and hot mixture. Suggested for those who want something fun, sexy, and different.
Fresh-faced, all-natural girls who look like they might actually attend college. What's not to like?
Dee, Juli. If you need more, new Hungarian beauties and Jack Napier's monstro dick. If you need more than that, The Sixth Sense should be coming out soon, go call Buena Vista.
This handsome video should be of interest to those who like their interracial nookie straight-forward and classy.
Couples fare. The sex is quite good, and Sky fans will probably rate the tape a point higher.
Nikki's on the box, and that'll pull in more than a few sales/rentals by itself. Otherwise, couples.
Blond is the selling point, and between her and Julian, the couples should lap this one up.
These are the for-real asses. This is da bomb shit. Non-stop go-for-the-jugular action will make it the party tape of the year.