Targeted to Missy fans, who will be disappointed at her lack of involvement.
Blond is the selling point, and between her and Julian, the couples should lap this one up.
Nikki\'s on the box, and that\'ll pull in more than a few sales/rentals by itself. Otherwise, couples.
Couples fare. The sex is quite good, and Sky fans will probably rate the tape a point higher.
Put this near the front and suggest it to those verbally-inclined and fun-lovin\' folks.
Plot-driven drama with some sex. Best for people who complain about porn plots not making sense: Not that this one <i>does</i> make sense, but it\'ll hold their interest.
A winning story, workable sex and attractive girls make this a decent choice for couples.
Anal in all scenes, and obvious enjoyment on the part of the above-average performers.
If the verbal foreplay gets boring, there\'s always the fast forward. In which case, the anal scenes do deliver.
Anal addicts everywhere, and especially those who appreciate unaltered European nubiles.
Fans of Linda Thoren will either be happy or disappointed. Regardless, the action is plenty hot for all to enjoy.