Released | May 01st, 2000 |
Running Time | 109 |
Director | Brian "Cheeks" Williams |
Company | Pleasure Premium |
Cast | Midora (aka Midori), Envy (I), Sydnee Steele, Dr. Dirty, Vivian Valentine, Chris Cannon, Lexington Steele, Aleksandra Nice, Herschel Savage, Mr. Marcus, Candi Kiss, Misty (II) |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genre | All-Sex |
In this new spin on the old spin - that of telling yarns in a vignette format - the character of Dr. Dirty works as both a shrink and a fairy godmother. For instance, Herschel Savage wants to fuck Midori in the ass but is under the impression she won't do it while he's driving a compact. Quicker than you can say "Cinderella," the Hersch's pumpkin gets converted into a Porsche with him landing in Midori's back seat. Not all the vignettes work as well as this one, and some of the setups are a trifle belabored.
However, a scene that will give you a run for its money is the one involving teensy weensy Vivian Valentine and the twin dicks of destruction, Mr. Marcus and Lexington Steele, with Lexington getting most of Vivian's ass time. The analer with Chris Cannon and Candi Kiss also rates a look while the storyline with lovely Envy plays out more like a Boris and Natasha script, what with her accent. Nonetheless, the director, Brian Williams, gets to fuck the borscht out of her ass.