ESPLERP is a prostitutes' rights organization operating out of the San Francisco Bay area, headed by sex worker Maxine Doogan.
Safe Keeping Records has been in business since 2004 and provides affortable individualized service along with third-party record-keeping to safeguard and maintain company records and keep clients in compliance with government regulations pertaining to 2257. Our ultimate goal is to give all clients excellent and professional service structured to their company needs with customer service a top priority.
Reach President/Owner Wendy Nit at (818) 347-0171
The Erotic Service Provider Legal, Educational and Research Project is an organization dedicated to helping sex workers and other erotic service providers by attempting to reform laws regarding prostitution and sex trafficking, and by educating the public regarding those forms of employment. It is headed by activist Maxine Doogan.
Eric M. Bernstein's website
The Randazza Legal Group focuses on providing legal services to the adult entertainment industry. We are, first and foremost, First Amendment advocates. However, we are well aware that this field is a BUSINESS, and we have your business needs covered.
For example, our managing partner, Marc J. Randazza is a First Amendment and intellectual property lawyer. Along with Jason Fischer, in our Miami office, the IP practice handles trademark, domain name, and copyright issues for a diverse group of adult entertainment companies.
Adult businesses have unique employment law issues to be concerned with -- and other employment lawyers don't know how to navigate the minefield in which you operate. Are your workers really "independent contractors?" Do you call them that, but they are really "employees?" We can handle that, and Jessica Christensen is an experienced labor and employment lawyer who understands the adult entertainment industry.
Adult businesses rarely have tax lawyers at their beck and call. RLG has solved that problem. We have an international tax law specialist on staff. Jonathane Ricci is licensed in both the U.S. and Canada, and has more than a decade of cross border international taxation experience.
We have offices in San Diego, San Francisco, Toronto, Boston, and Miami. If we don't have an office near you, we have strategic alliances with other industry lawyers in virtually every state and metropolitan area.
adult business services company