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Dark Side Greeting Cards

Dark Side Greeting Cards


We love it when we come across products that have a sense of humor as dark and as twisted as ours. Dark Side Greeting Cards is a collection of 12 cards with an irreverent attitude—a card for occasions customers might not have realized they needed a card for. Examples include a birthday card with a messy cake surrounded by confetti and a balloon on the front and the phrase “Hope it sucks” inside. Our favorites include the tombstone photo on the front with “Wish you were dead” inside the card, and the cloth voodoo doll riddled with pins outside and “I hate you” inside.

Website: DarkSideGreetingCards.com
Retailing: Place a rack of these cards near the register and watch as your customers laugh and decide how many they just have to have.
Sizes: 12 cards sold individually or as a boxed set.
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