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Cyberskin Cyber Sex Buddy
Manufacturer: Topco Sales

Cyberskin Cyber Sex Buddy


Whenever new technology rears its exciting head, you can be sure that somewhere in the sex industry there's a use for it. Allegedly developed by NASA scientists, "Cyberskin," a soft, pliable, ultra-realistic material, makes this space-age pocket pussy fell eerily like the real thing. In fact, if you heat her up a bit, she feels almost too real. But, when speaking of such products, is there such a thing as "too realistic"? Probably not, which is why this awesome device is a must-have for all devotees of the portable gal. Not only is the fleshy vulva soft and accommodating, the variable density of the material allows the feeling of a pubic bone to be integrated into the piece. The well-designed box includes a "try me/buy me" sample so that customers can experience the awesome feeling of Cyberskin without destroying the box and scuzzing up the main attraction. It also includes a small bottle of lube and plenty of Cyberskin Renew, to keep the product looking and feeling like new.