Penises. Vulvas. Clits. Nipples. Buttholes. BDSM kinksters. At last, a single toy that can appeal to all. This entertaining, ten-speed gizmo has a handle that’s as easy to use as a paintbrush, leading down to six, slender, expandable, nubbed tentacles eager to embrace anything you put in its light grip. A single button sends the thrills all the way to the tip of each one, which will leave the happy user squealing with excitement!
This is one of the most interesting toys that have crossed my desk in quite a while. It’s basically a straight, hard plastic, 4” lon...
Ignite every sensation when you squiggle the Enigma between your thighs. The incredibly flexible stem bends to your body’s inner curves wh...
Tempt and tease willing cheeks with this adorable, soft pink toy. With a strong, 12 speed vibe nestled in the barely 1” wide tip and bulb ...
It’s cuteness overload when you let this little sweetheart romp from Unihorn into your stable! Only 2” tall and 2 1/2” wide, t...
For a unique take on the regular rabbit, dual-action vibe, look no further than this cleverly designed toy, gently named “Romantic Massage...
If you’re feeling a little lazy yet still want a vibrator to take you to another level, lay belly down then slip the Spot On between you a...
Aubergine is not only eggplant color, but also what makes this vibe so distinctive. The curve of this solid and non-bending vibe is great for ho...
Your search has ended for one of the zingiest and most versatile toys out there. This perfectly designed, 9 speed wonder has a long, slender, sh...
Wave the Wand and take pleasure in the wonderful sensations it will fiercely deliver. Nicely weighted with a rounded bulb head with mild grooves...
When your eyes and hands get turned on just by holding a toy, you know it’s gonna be great and the Bump truly is. Fitting compact...
Ignite all your pleasure points when you slip this wonderfully designed toy into your nether regions. The smooth, 10-speed vibrating curve gets ...
Imagine how wide your eyes will expand when you slip this gorgeous piece of jewelry around your neck then seductively release the clasp to let i...
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