One of the better newish, nearly-all-ethnic casts this month.
For that special customer whose appreciation of ass-fucking is as strong as his sense of low-brow humor.
Excellently shot, cleanly edited. A perfect addition for your wall-to-wall section.
This interesting and erotic collection of sexy vignettes should appeal to fans of the genre.
Guys who would secretly (or not so secretly) like to see their dearly beloved penetrated by porndom's woodslinging elite.
A lesser PUL, but still filled with many of the attributes that have made this such a successful line.
Those who enjoy a voyeuristic thrill with amateur-level sincerity will want to check this out.
Start with fans of this universally-lauded line and work your way out to all who enjoy feverish, sincere cinemagraphic Sapphic sex action.
Imported, romantic video ideal for conservative couples. It will do very well with this mixed audience.
Fits in with others in this series, the import section, and perhaps that new Marc Medoff Fan Club section.
The tape itself is way hotter than what your customers may glean from the uninspired front box cover.