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Over the Knee 7

Customers should know smarmy fetish humor (one guy's "My Inner Child Could Use a Good Spanking" T-shirt, as an example) will either mar or enhance the experience.

Kane Mutiny

There're not all that many electrical play tapes out there; stress that aspect to your S/M customers.

Humiliation & Pain

It was a sad day for biology when Rick Savage turned these tyrannical matrons loose on the pathetic chaps in his dungeon.

Heels and Hose

If your customers like their visuals loaded with hiked skirts, gratuitous tip-toeing and arch curling, send them home with this tape.

Forced To Obey

Sweet young thing Marley Murphy is worth the price of admission; she is a Master's dream.

Forced to Lactate 5

There are some nice visuals here and no reason not to encourage your breast milk-and-bondage fans to take a look at them.

Fetish FAQ

Recommend to customers who are curious about B&D-S/M but who possess little actual experience.

Extreme Fetish 2

A good recommendation for general fetish and D/s viewing, but especially of interest to those who like to switch roles.