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Released Jun 04th, 2007
Running Time 94 Min.
Director Kaoru Adachi
Company Oriental Dream Pictures
Cast Mizuki Hana
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre All-Sex



The opening blurb on this untranslated Asian release explains it all: "Criminals are now women officer’s helpless victims and are forced to shag on them until finally rehabilitated.” Shag? One may suspect that it was written by a Brit in the Orient.

This is actually a very well made, and sneaky, Asian release. Sneaky because it puts the women in charge, something not often seen in Asian releases, and yet they still do just about all of the work. Taped in what appears to be a real large jail, these gals in uniform (and lingerie under the uniforms) make a strikingly sexy picture for the hardened criminals who get even harder when sucked, fucked and fondled by these young, sexy officers of the law.

Pre-Nom for Best Ethnic-Themed Release – Asian.

Retailing: Bound to do well, stock up on this Asian import with a jail and women-in-charge theme.

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