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Released Aug 01st, 2006
Running Time 78
Directors Paul Gorman, Steed Merrill
Company GMD Films
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



There's an interesting opening image in which Laney (Marie Madison) sits at a window, blood dripping from her hands, her voiceover describing the call to 911. As the camera pulls back, we see a silently screaming, eyeless and blood-drenched Michael (James Xavier), Laney's ex-lover.

What started with great promise turned into a badly constructed, poorly acted indie flick that vainly attempted to imitate the conversational stylings of a Kevin Smith script at his most ridiculously verbose, and the sexy violence of Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects. The script is numbingly loquacious as it attempts to detail a woman's emotional train wreck; the editing is erratic and jumpy; the directing immature.

There were moments of interest, but they were quick and fleeting, such as playing with visual effects for a sky, or the use of heavy contrasts, lurid colors and silhouettes for one of the few sex scenes. If equal time was spent on the script and acting as on constructing those pictures, this may be a slightly more endurable venture to watch.

Retailing: For your fans of hilariously bad bloody schlock.

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