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Tranny Shop 2

Tranny Shop 2

Released May 31st, 2006
Running Time 140
Director Racky Bloke
Company DVSX
Cast Andrea DeOlveira, Laisa Lins, Mel Voguel, Laura Trojano, Lorena Smith, Paty Bionda, Bianca Freire, Others, Bianca Duarte
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Specialty



Here's a tough call that barely squeaks by with an extra half A in its favor. Typically for DVSX, the action is charged and the videography capturing it all is close 'n crisp. Not so typical for DVSX are performers who don't meet their standards of physical appeal.

We suspect that a number of viewers looking for pretty he-shees won't be so pleased with the "five o?clock shadow troweled-over with makeup" appearance sported by some of the cast. And while the action is continuous, certain girls never make it to the finish line – but there's enough manly spunk being tossed around to cancel out the lack of lady juice.

With such a length running time, there's bound to be at least a few scenes that will meet with customer approval. We thought the threesomes (either T/T/B or B/B/T) offered the most possibilities for, ah, viewer participation.

Retailing: Ethnic angle by way of South America.

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