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Thrust [Indigo Entertainment]

Thrust [Indigo Entertainment]

Released May 31st, 2004
Running Time 88
Director Martin Sieracki
Company Indigo Entertainment
Distribution Company Image
Cast Nicole Oring, Aaron Edward, Jacque Saint, Akira Lane, Christian Dion, Natasha Dale, Others, Darron Johnson, Beverly Lynne
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Hot cars and fast women - vice versa!


It's got fast cars complete with a three-girl racing team (Maximum Thrust Racing), lotsa dancing around and lotsa fucking. For softcore junkies into both street racing and horny dolls, this is a fast ride to hornytown!

The DVD comes in two flavors, rated R and Not Rated. Why bother with the R? The Not Rated version offers about six more minutes, and it's the six minutes you most want to see.

The girls are out to beat Junior Sloan, and Bekka (former Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader Beverly Lynne) just might be there answer. She's a helluva driver, and not bad in the sack, either. But can she really beat Junior?

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