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Ultimate 50th Anniversary Playmate Search

Ultimate 50th Anniversary Playmate Search

Released Feb 29th, 2004
Company Technical Quality: AAAA
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



It\'s Playmates. Stick it next to calendar and fans of softcore will grab them both.


An explanation of the process of selecting the 50th anniversary Playmate - Colleen Shannon. Needless to say there are a lot of beautiful women shown in the video, but not enough time on any one of them. Playboy photographers in each region discuss what they are looking for in a Playmate and how they think their region stacks up against the competition.

Hugh Hefner is interviewed for the video, explaining what he's looking for the 50th, and countless women who auditioned are shown for a brief moment, this one explaining why she's a sex liberal, that one talking about her day job; all of them explaining why they should become the next Playmate.

It comes off as a late-night infomercial that I'd actually watch if I were up really, really, late.

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