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Private On the Net, Second Edition

Private On the Net, Second Edition

Released Sep 01st, 1998
Company Private Digital Media
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Interactive



Images like these deserve something better than the average Web browser. Fortunately, with a little work, they can be viewed manually from the disc in a user's favorite slideshow/still image viewer.  Those who have no viewer can use their Web browser by clicking on one of the 1600 "links" on the disc and waiting for the huge images to load. It takes about the same amount of time for this to happen as it would take to download each image off of the Web with a slow connection (this means it takes too long). On the plus side, images can be saved onto your hard drive for separate viewing.

Less impressive, but well worth the watch, are the forty-two QuickTime video clips featuring snips from various Private titles. Each clip only lasts about 30 seconds, however, and some seem to end just as the fun is beginning. As an added bonus, the disc includes sample images and videos from two other Private releases. Once users get past the Web browser interface this disc should become a long-term favorite.

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