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Illusions (Filth); Ultimate Dreams (Sleaze)

Illusions (Filth); Ultimate Dreams (Sleaze)

Released Apr 30th, 1998
Company Heatwave DVD
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Film



A pair of highly-rated adult feature films, Filth (reviewed May '97), and its prequel Sleaze (July '97), make their debut on DVD under the couples-friendly titles Illusions and Ultimate Dreams.

Extras not found on the original VHS releases include chapter stops (six on Illusions, seven for Ultimate Dreams); "photo galleries" (somewhat disappointing with a mere 12 shots from Illusions and only 11 from Dreams); and single-screen bios of the five principals from each feature. Trailers for other Heatwave DVDs fill out the programming.

The discs generally look and sound fine, but suffer from pixelation in areas of low contrast such as skin, walls, and skies; on rare occasions, background details lag behind the panning and tilting of the camera only to "catch up" in short, distracting jumps. A higher bit-rate or better encoding would likely have eliminated these problems. The average viewer probably won't notice, but the average DVD fan almost certainly will. Both of these features deserve better treatment; perhaps one day Heatwave will see fit to re-master them. As it stands, these discs will do for now.

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