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Bouncin? In The USA

Bouncin? In The USA

Released Nov 30th, 1987
Running Time 70
Director John Lee
Company World Premier Home Video
Cast Pat Wynn, Terry Lee-Perry, Candy Kane, Candy Samples, Jacqueline Lorians, Robin Cannes, Trinity Loren, Keli Stewart
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



If you can judge a tape by the sweat factor, than rank this one somewhere approximating a humid 2x2 men’s room in a non-air conditioned hotel in Guadalajara during the rainy season. That's sweat.

Last month, the publisher of this magazine had his at bats with Anthony Spinelli’s new feature, Hands Off, extolling its virtues as the best example of adult shot-on-video he’s seen this year.

In the spirit of equal time, I’ll put my two cents in for Bouncin’ In The USA as near-to-perfect softcore as you’ll see on the market, though the title has made the rounds.  It’s cult popularity is a word of mouth phenomenon.  And here’s the word of mouth.

For openers, it’s simply the best of the big jugs genre, featuring just about every top heavy queen in the biz.  If the name Pat Wynn doesn’t ring a familiar note, she’s the British equivalent of the legendary Candy Samples, around or about whom this tape navigates.

And like the British style of big jugs softcore a la Kissagram Girls and Big Boobs Party, we have elements of plot and location.  Samples is casting a film and has a number of big mamas including Wynn over to audition at her scenic California digs complete with hot tub and other locations ideal for going au natural.  Leering in the backdrop is “houseboy” John Lee who makes smarmy schoolboy comments and looks like a tanned, good-looking John Gets (Blood Simple).

Lee peeks through the blinds and cracks in doorways as the ladies go through one scene after another taking their clothes off.  He’s allowed such luxury since he’s produced and directed this tape, you see. Well, Lee must be a progeny of the nudie style flicks of the 60’s because this tape is loaded with classic take ‘em off vignettes and a few innovative cones such as the strip billiards game between Trinity Loren and Robin Cannes – the kind you’re dying to see in regular adult video but never do. And exotic Keli (where the Hell did you ever get that tan?) Stewart flits in and out of the picture with coma inducing tease.  You just don’t get this stuff in regular adult playlets, kids.

Now, somebody must be doing something wrong if Jacqueline Lorians, (no stranger to adult video) as Samples’ gray, pin-striped secretary looks sexier and more desirable in a softcore environment than in more explicit realm.  Why? Because it’s so obvious that more planning and inventiveness (not necessarily bigger bucks) went into shooting this video than some of the hacked out wonders flooding the adult market. Lee definitely has the knack for capturing the essence of femininity – an art lost on many of today’s directors.

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