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Dreams (Eruption Video)

Dreams (Eruption Video)

Released Dec 01st, 1987
Running Time 80
Director "The Kid"
Company Eruption Video (Arrow)
Cast Ray Van, Tom Byron, Julie Shine, Fallon, Tiffany Storm, Samantha Strong
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Feature



Sorry, guys. VCX came out with a similar plot last month in The Long Ranger about the power of positive dreaming and coming up with love partners at the snap of a closed eyelid.

But, coincidentally, neither effort lends much impetus for catching an additional 20 or 30 winks.  Here, some blonde coquette (Julie Shine) direct off the Megan Leigh assembly line, fancies all the wild goings on of her friend, Cindy (Fallon).  Sammy Jo/Shine yearns for all the guys she thinks Cindy is orchestrating and gets her alpha/beta brain waves cooking over the likes of Dan T. Mann.

What a disappointment when Sammy Jo finally hooks up with her pen pal whose inclinations swing more to the female of the species.

Basically, the showcase here is the geyser-like sex stream that Fallon can rocket into the ionosphere. She does it but once in a torrid finger probe with Tiffany Storm while Sammy Jo is off daydreaming some more.  For some really unheralded, unbeknownst reason, Samantha Strong participates in a no frills sex scene with Mann.  To save time she could have just mailed it in.

I suppose the game plan calls for talking about Fallon, but the real sleeper in Dreams is the hot sexuality of Sammy Jo, a looker to lose sleep over.  She’s hot.

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