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Swingers Ink

Swingers Ink

Released Mar 31st, 1990
Running Time 85
Director Michael Craig
Company VCA Pictures
Cast Rick Daniels, Jacqueline, Champagne, Jon Dough, Tracey Adams, Sharon Kane
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Feature



Another one of those "sleeper" productions that turn out to be much better than you give it credit for, Swingers Ink features Jon Dough as the publisher of a bankrupt swingers' magazine whose trying to unload his white elephant on Tracey Adams, claiming there's a $2 million advertising deal in the works.  But we all know that's a bunch of crap.

The real meat and potatoes here are the fine characterizations of the nodniks working for Dough, who sit around the office (small wonder it's bankrupt) and insult one another like an episode of Cheers.  Kane, as always, is eternally good, and new face, Scott St. James is her well-placed sex foil.  Nice to see Rick Daniels, Champagne's significant other, get a role that's a little more substantive than bozo-android-pizzaguys.  Nicely edited and refreshingly sexy.

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