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Graveyard Shift

Graveyard Shift

Released Apr 01st, 1988
Running Time 89
Director Gerard Ciccoritti
Company Virgin Vision
Cast Silvio Oliviero, Cliff Stoker, Helen Papas, Dorin Ferber
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



It's severed days prior to Halloween and one particular evening doesn't bode very well — especially if you happen to be a beautiful girl with a well-developed set of lungs.

Under no circumstances get into the black cat taxi #237. Your meter will run for eternity.

With style, wit, grace and some of the most poetic sexual encounters I've ever seen, Graveyard Shift certainly ranks as one of the most erotic vampire films ever produced, even on its austere budget.

Silvio Oliviero, who looks like a mens' cologne ad in GQ, as the doomed for eternity cabbie, is the perfect physical embodiment of haunting terror as he seduces his victims and goes not for the jugular, but the breasts. And you couldn't pick from a better cast of victims.

Oliviero's fall from Transylvanic grace is his doomed love for a mortal, Michelle (Helen Papas). Papas discovers her lovers slight eccentricity but figures, what the hell, the doctor only gave her a couple of months to live anyway. There is one grand moment in the film when a trio of sex scenes are crosscut to one of the most spine tingling music beats to ever invade your limbs with a punchline that's straight out of the Godfather.

The stake through the heart finale is a little too much out of Fright Night, but Graveyard Shift is a film that'll definitely make you appreciate regular 9 to 5 hours.

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