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Hollywood Scream Queen Hot Tub Party

Hollywood Scream Queen Hot Tub Party

Released Oct 31st, 1993
Running Time 60
Director Bill Carson
Company Wyn Ray Entertainment
Cast Monique Gabrielle, Roxanne Kernohan, Michelle Bauer, Kelly Moroney, Brinke Stevens
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



A video release that's available through fanzines such as Femme, Eatale (and, locally, in Los Angeles through specialty comic bookstores like "The Golden Apple"), Hollywood Scream Queen Hot Tub Party is your basic hoot and a holler. The offbeat horror film genre jokes provide the hoot and the girls, Brinke Stevens, Monique Gabrielle, Kelly Moroney, Michelle Bauer and Roxanne Kernohan supply the hollers, literally.

Stevens and company are names on the lips of every B-movie fan alive, and, thus, have become collectively known as the "Scream Queens", sort of an au naturel version of the "Brat Pack". During the course of this show, which is loaded with fabulous nudity, the ladies amiably lampoon their screen images within the context of a hot tub get together.

Stevens offers proper form in correctly taking a horror movie shower just prior to the "Psycho" episode when a knife is expected to come slashing through the curtain. Monique Gabrielle exhibits the elements of seductive dance, whereas, Michelle Bauer, taking a page out of her film Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, performs exercises for the deft wielding of a Black & Decker. Well, you get the picture.

There's a healthy number of "nude scene" clips included to illustrate these academic points, but some of the material is dated, as when the film "Tower of Tower" is referred to a number of times, when it was actually released as Hard To Die. A minor quibble, though.

Certainly, if you're a fan, you can't afford to miss this tape.

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