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Night Eyes 3

Night Eyes 3

Released Oct 31st, 1993
Running Time 101
Director Andrew Stevens
Company Prism Pictures
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Characters die off and come back in sequels all the time, and no one seems to mind...or care. So if Shannon Tweed wants to be security guy Andrew Steven's client/lover in Night Eyes 2, then reincarnates and come back as another client/lover in Night Eyes 3, well, who's to stop her?

In this latest installment, Stevens continues in his Will Griffith character, and this time he's assigned to protect Tweed, the star of a torpidly inept "Cagney & Lacey"-type TV show. Shannon's in a destructive relationship with a former football player who won't take no for an answer, while Stevens is in the middle of a client war with a competing security company that would like to see him out of business, and, thus, sets about to catch him in a compromising position.

Stevens and Tweed fall in love, naturally, which lends impetus to the blackmail, but they just don't create anywhere near the sparks they manufactured in Night Eyes 2. Their lovemaking is far more reserved this go-around, and Shannon's sister Tracey, who lit up the screen in Sunset Heat, is given little to do here in the sexual arena except act bitchy as Shannon's co-star.

This popular straight-to-video series is going to need some re-tooling the next installment.

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