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Put 'Em On Da Glass

Put 'Em On Da Glass

Released Nov 30th, 1994
Running Time 108
Director Sean Michaels
Company Video Team
Cast Julian St. Jox, Bianco Trump, Champagne, Sean Michaels, Norma Jean, Jordan McKnight, Guy Da Silva, Mr. Marcus, Vanessa Chase
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Feature



Let's quickly synopsize the plot here.  It took me a long time, not to mention a few rewinds, to figure it out, so you might as well get the benefit of all that effort.  This is it: "Fashion photographers don't really make it with all the babes at the office, but their jealous wives always think they do."

Convolute this simple concept a hundred times.  Throw in dialog that's hard to hear.  Mix in a couple of Sean Michaels-style guilt-ridden flashbacks, and you've got a feature that looks real great and is a whole lot of fun, but leaves you saying, "Huh?" when it's over.

I'm not quibbling about the sex, mind you.  Guy Da Silva and Champagne, a great looking pair, have remarkably athletic sex on a wooden staircase.   The last time I tried this, I did three weeks of hydrotherapy In their only scene together, Sean and Norma Jean really get down. You know that shot he loves?  That patented crawl along the inner thigh up to the snatch?  I love it, too.  In fact, this last scene is probably the hottest on the tape, because now Sean starts workin' on the railroad.  He hauls that long dark freight through Norma Jean's bare, pink pudenda, full steam ahead, 'till he pops his rivets on her luscious breasts.  It's the last scene, but it's worth waiting for.

A lot of time, trouble and expense was taken in making this feature visually attractive, however the confusing plot and inadequate acting turn it into a series of very pretty loops with pretty good sex and unintelligible dialogue. The sex and the style will satisfy discerning black video customers, who get few enough features.

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