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Labor Day 1993 Parker Dam

Labor Day 1993 Parker Dam

Released Jan 31st, 1994
Running Time 90
Company Perfect
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



Whenever I get burned out from watching the alternative market's same old, same old, I dive into a pile of reality-based softcore, or, for want of a better description, tapes that document real live cultural events devoted to naked female flesh.

If you're looking for such a product, may I draw your attention to Perfect 10, a company that distributes not only the standard T&A offerings but the really interesting "mondo" stuff as well. May I suggest your checking out the tapes listed here for a refreshing change of pace.

Labor Day 1993 Parker Dam, from the ring of its title, pretty much documents the obvious. The intrinsic appeal of this show lies in having a camera leeringly pointed in the direction of some woman's private body parts, waiting for the obvious to happen. The many participant in this vid bolige willingly for the sake of art. Thank heaven for exhibitionists!!

A steadycam-type rigidness is lent to the visuals. And, believe me, that may be a minor point to some, but it's a boon in the face of other shows of this type which generally feature camerawork approximating an amusement park thrill ride. Try it on your nerves some time.

Annual events, such as the Parker Dam affair, encourage flashing which has become something of a tribal practice among hedonists. Overall, this tape, with a few exceptions, is a bare tit and butt free-for-all. As seems to be common practice, though, women are generally more apt to show off their tits than their butts. Why is that?

Obviously, you can't have a 90-minute tape devoted to solely this practice, so, a few cultural diversions are thrown in for good measure, namely, wet T-shirt contests. The tenor of the flashing show is interrupted, from time to time (four times to be exact), by a series of indoor and outdoor contest. Only these wind up being no more than sexy dance-a-thons. The outdoor events, as you'll observe, evidently attract a more photogenic, bikini-type model than the indoor variety, but the grade of heat exhibited in these flesh fests (at least on this tape) rate no higher than PG-13.

As if to underscore the innocuousness of bullshit bikini dancing, one particular camera shot cuts to a big boned blonde who pulls down her bikini bottoms and moons the camera with her copious ass. That's more like it.

Now, if you're into something a little more raunchy...

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