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Hellion Heatwave

Hellion Heatwave

Released Jan 01st, 2000
Running Time 84
Director Rick Castro
Company Two Duck Productions
Distribution Company Culture Q Connection
Cast Eddie T, Tom Turbine, Troy Cobra, Licorice, Boo Johnson, Bo Killer
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



This is one video that doesn't know what it's trying to be. Shot entirely in Tucson, Arizona, Hellion Heatwave doesn't create much heat. At first glance, the video seems to be aimed toward a softcore crowd. Then it turns to an interview format, with the director asking inane questions and getting tepid responses. A head-shaving is thrown in. Then it all bounces around again. It's as if the production team was trying to make a video that would appeal to every viewer. They failed.

On the plus side, a few of the guys are attractive.

Reviewer complain to the company: A large, black rectangular time-counter filled the lower portion of the screen on the review copy, obscuring words and important pieces of anatomy.

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