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Crazy Shemale Love 3

Crazy Shemale Love 3

Released Feb 28th, 2003
Running Time 75
Director Dick Nasty
Company Bacchus Releasing
Cast Cynthia (I), Pete (I), Giovanni (I), Joyce (I), Pat Bull, Muniky
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Specialty



Hardcore fans of transvestite and campy porn will find this interesting.


Believe it or not, what makes Crazy Shemale Love 3 interesting enough to watch, despite average looking she-males having mostly average sex, is the between-scenes material, in which director Dick Nasty seems to be apologizing for the tape as he's making it, almost ashamed of what he's in the middle of presenting.

Nasty points out in the beginning that, while on vacation in Brazil, awaiting Carnival, he wanted to make a movie with local girls. What he says he found instead were local girls who were actually boys, and in the spirit of experimentation, decided to shoot the video. Now, what happens between the three scenes, is Nasty presents the same 20-foot area of Brazil over and over again, and apologizes for what you're watching. This is never a good way to sell a project, but it's damn funny nonetheless.

Honorable mention goes to the very first actual ass wipe ever shot, using one of the lovely transvestites' anuses to make a camera transition - wiping as a special effect from the asshole - in one of the great camera tricks in porn history.

Unfortunately, the sex is, as mentioned before, mostly tepid. There are only three short scenes, with the total running time falling well before the promised 90 minutes.

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