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Angel Baby

Angel Baby

Released Jul 31st, 2002
Running Time 90
Company Heatwave Entertainment
Cast Richard (I), Sonya (I), Nicol (I), Kristina (I), Robert Rosenberg, Bob (I), Dolores Nero, Michael (I), George (I), Vanessa (I), Laura Angel
Critical Rating AAA
Genre All-Sex



Hardcore fans of anything European or the "chilly" porn look may enjoy this.


The beautiful Laura Angel sneers her showgirl lust from the box cover and things just go laterally from there. Everybody's beautiful, the settings are attractive, the video work is perfectly fine, people are having sex - why isn't this more sexy? Maybe it's super hot in its original tongue, but what dialogue rears its head smells of cheese. Fortunately, there's a mute button. The straight sex is a bit chilly, but not without merit. The girl/girl scenes are just embarrassing since our fair maidens appear unwilling to do anything to smear their make-up. Meets the minimum daily requirement for viewers who just want to watch pretty European people having sex on fast forward. There's a nightclub and a swimming pool involved, for those searching for a deeper meaning.

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