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Pain Trained Housewife

Pain Trained Housewife

Released Jul 31st, 2001
Running Time 55
Company B&D Pleasures
Critical Rating A 1/2
Genre Specialty



Box cover brags that this is the sequel to Punished Peroxide Pets, as if that were any recommendation.


European laws restricting the use of WWII imagery seem to be taking their toll on German S/M. Once the pathological pride of Western master/slave culture, this country now ranks among the most timid.

Greasy little Fritz and his wife are technically adept at their chores, but go about it with the premeditated lethargy of a couple who have traveled with this sideshow a little too long. Fritz assaults his crone with a wooden spoon in the kitchen. He chains her labia with a jingle bell bridle and leads her on all fours through the living room, apron dragging on the ground. Despite her complete acceptance of this treatment, he programmatically snaps clothespins to her ass and areola. She grimaces a bit when he produces a set of mousetraps and a dozen push pins, even bleeds a trickle. Nothing, however, rattles her chains. Nothing leaves her gasping for breath. She regards her tormentor without fear or hatred - in other words, like a husband. The only tyranny here is that of boredom.

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