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Party Hardi Mardi Gras 1999 Vols. 4 & 5

Party Hardi Mardi Gras 1999 Vols. 4 & 5

Released Jun 30th, 2000
Running Time 60
Director Vince Rocca
Company Weiser & Company
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Alternative



This is one of those tapes from late-night infomercials promising "hot, uncensored action" from the biggest party in the world. Well, it's big. And it's a party. Hot and uncensored? One out of two ain't bad.

Actually, it is. There's plenty of flashing, of course - how else is a girl supposed to get her beads? - but the real problem here is that this tape doesn't seem to discriminate with regard to who does the flashing. Very few of the girls caught on tape are traditionally good-looking, and most of them shouldn't be flashing anything at all. Ever. What makes the tape worse is the shoddy camerawork: it looks like a home video of a Bar Mitzvah, but with more tits. Unless your Aunt Sadie was one of those people who....

If your viewers are looking to see people dancing in a natural habitat with bare breasts, recommend a National Geographic special.

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