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Roid Rage (disc)

Roid Rage (disc)

Released Apr 01st, 2007
Running Time 86
Directors Jake Deckard, J.D. Slater
Companies CENTURION PICTURES, Raging Stallion Studios
Cast Hank Dutch, Brendan Davies, Brock Hatcher, Xerxes, Shane Alexander, Trey Casteel, Huessein, Trojan Rock
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Gay and Bi



RAGING STALLION STUDIOS in association with JD SLATER`S CENTURION PICTURES XXX presents the latest evolution in Massive Macho Muscle Maddness, the answer to the question What lays beyond Thunderdome? ROID RAGE


DVDJust how ridiculously muscular and beautifully big is Xerxes’ ass? Mounted atop some massive quad muscles, the butt explodes onto the screen in the final five-man orgy of this three-scene effort. For fans of big, hairy, handsome and rugged muscle, this is a delight. And even fans of a less-ginourmous look will have a field day watching these bodies rub against each other. This feature excels more with its overall look than sex close-ups, and some cool set design — a dark room with hanging light bulbs — sets a visually striking look and atmosphere. A fun 18-minute behind-the-scenes feature has co-director Jake Deckard on the prowl, with some extra sucking and fucking thrown in.

RETAILING: Beautiful box and beefy men will catch plenty of attention.

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