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Hot Pages... Bound For Lust

Hot Pages... Bound For Lust

Released Oct 01st, 1989
Running Time 75
Director Martin G Mayer
Company Las Vegas Video
Cast Alexi Okatov, Braulio Duarte, Rinaldo Medeiros, Lamartin Ribeiro, Francois Casier, Ze Carlos Rego, Claudio Mattos, Petro Martinelli
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Gay and Bi



Watching the videos of director Martin G. Mayer (the initials are a Hollywood pun), I find myself imagining his home.  I see flocked wallpaper, doilies, quaint statues of David, ceramic Mexican burros, frou-frou and bric-a-brac everywhere.  There's always something quaint and dowdy about Mayer's work, and from Hot Pages I feared the worst.

Fortunately, the fussy touches are largely confined to the edges of the video. Yes, there are intrusive and over-decorated graphics, and the story is silly (a magic book keeps popping up around lonely young men, and when they open it a dream stud appears). But the sexual action is straightforward and the simple special effects are actually quite effective.  The players are mostly attractive, and they seem to be genuinely aroused by each other. A three-way finale with Glover, Monroe and Jennings sports some of the most relaxed, spontaneous sexual fun I've seen in a while.

The packaging is especially good, with effective use of newcomer Alan Lambert, whose trendy high-and-tight haircut and alabaster physique get prime exposure both front and rear.  Already selling well, though average in content.

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