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The Bi Valley

The Bi Valley

Released Jul 01st, 1994
Running Time 80
Director Paul Pauletteri
Company Bi-Line Productions
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Gay and Bi



Barbara Stanwyck always looked like a man in drag in the TV version of The Big Valley, but this hysterically funny video that's just dripping with way-out Western sex proves it all. The widow Barkley (or Tartley, in this trans/bi/everything version) has a dick! Lana Luster is the hippest, campiest tramp in the west, vamping it up with three gorgeous children who don't look at all alike — Sharon Kane, Tim Boyd and Jonny Gitaur. When the mysterious stranger (Mark Andrews) sidles up to the ranch, she's forced to tell them that they're all adopted because she and her deceased hubby couldn't have children. Sounds goofy? It is, but it's seeded with a seductive backdrop of deception, sensuality and incest. Get this line from Kane as she's in the graveyard and meets Andrews: "Mister, I don't know who you are, or where you came from, but if you don't fuck me right now, there's going to be another grave in this graveyard."

The poor camera quality, shaky images and bad sound almost adds to the off-beat plot and "bad movie" quality of this porn tape, but the sex makes it all worthwhile. The sets use real horses, real horseback riding and full cowboy costumes, making it one of the most elaborate Bi-Line Productions to come along in awhile. Nice box cover.

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