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Locker Room Bully

Locker Room Bully

Released Jun 01st, 2000
Running Time 56
Company Control T Studio
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Gay Specialty



If your stock of "boy's school" spanking videos is low, offer this as a consolation prize.


This tape actually contains two spanking tales, both featuring schoolboy characters. In the first segment, "Don't Lie to Me!," Little Bobby (it has to be a Little Bobby, doesn't it?) gets caught lying about skipping school and so his older brother does the only logical thing: spanks him. Little Bobby never really looks like he's hurting, though. Maybe if he stopped laughing... ?

In Locker Room Bully, a junior who's taken all he's going to take from an uppity senior enjoys a little frontier justice. Color is nearly non-existent during the first segment, eventually improving to an overly-amber tone. Interactions between performers is nice, but this tape never really heats up.

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