Stormy Daniels Speaks In 1st TV Interview Since Trump Scandal

TVLAND—In her first televised interview since she became, the words of The New York Times, “the world’s most important porn star,” Stormy Daniels will appear on the syndicated Inside Edition tabloid TV news show Thursday—where she will be asked point blank for the first time if she really and truly had sex with Donald Trump.

On January 12, The Wall Street Journal reported that the AVN Hall of Famer had received a $130,000 “hush money” payoff from Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, to keep her quiet about a sexual encounter with Trump that occurred in 2006.

One week later, the tabloid InTouch Weekly published an interview with Daniels from 2011, in which she described her affair with Trump, including her first sexual acts with the man who now occupied the Oval Office, in detail.

But in the Inside Edition interview, Daniels is asked flatly, "Did you have a sexual relationship with Donald Trump?"

In a preview of the interview posted online by Inside Edition, Daniels responds only with a wry smile, and silence. That two-minute preview of the full Stormy Daniels interview may be viewed at this link

In the interview, Daniels describes feeling overwhelmed by the publicity she has received over the past two weeks. Despite the fact that she remains one of the biggest names in the adult entertainment world, and is nominate for four 2018 AVN Awards at the current AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, Daniels claims that prior to the current controversy, “No one ever looked twice at me before.”

“Now everyone is looking at me,” she told Inside Edition.

Though Trump has not yet commented publicly on the allegations that he had an affair with Daniels—though Cohen has said that Trump denies the story—the controversy ma already be causing trouble in the Trump household. Melania Trump suddenly cancelled her trip to Switzerland accompanying her husband to the World Economic Forum this week, giving only "scheduling and logistical issues” as her official reason for sending Trump abroad by himself.