New Response Doc Released Refuting NBC Piece on LA Direct

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—Adult industry publicist and pundit Michael Whiteacre on Tuesday released a 95-minute documentary via YouTube intended to serve as a direct rebuttal to one produced by NBC Los Angeles detailing various allegations by former clients against adult talent agency LA Direct Models and owner Derek Hay.

Upon the mid-March online release of the NBC doc, which was created by independent director/journalist Dan Przygoda, Hay posted his own previously recorded counter-piece on in which he answered a series of questions Przygoda had sent him by mail, but which he'd declined to answer on camera unless Przygoda agreed to certain terms that the reporter likewise rejected. On the same day both videos were released, Hay told AVN he would be "recording a second video soon to answer in more depth many of the allegations and testimony in the NBC piece."

Whiteacre's new doc, titled Hit Piece: The Journalistic Failure of NBC Los Angeles' Report on Derek Hay & LA Direct Models, delivers on that promise, methodically contesting each of the claims made in Przygoda's exposé, with supporting testimonial from LA Direct employees and models both current and past, including Veronica Nolind, Mazzy Grace, Alex Valdez, Brooke Haven and longtime accountant Fran Amidor (who, incidentally, recently left the company).

In the accompanying description to Hit Piece on its YouTube page, Whiteacre writes: "This video examines the various claims made in the [NBC] piece, which was the brainchild of a man named Dan Przygoda, and finds that most are wildly distorted, fabricated, or simply wrong."

View the entire documentary below:

[Ed. note: The above video was previously removed by AVN due to the fact that it originally revealed the legal name of one of the performers involved; that name has since been redacted from the video, and AVN therefore reposted it here.]