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Rock Hard Power Spray
Manufacturer: Pipedream Products

Rock Hard Power Spray


Draggin' one's sorry ass into Messalina's bed unable to toss the timber - i.e., with no timber to toss - is a mistake which has been made form time to time, but only once by each lad who's made it.  This is because in my bed, we take a very medieval view of things, and a man without an erection becomes, to put it bluntly, a bitch.  And a submissive bitch at that because Ipsa (that's me) is the only Dominant bitch allowed beneath these sheets.

And while some women are a little more understanding than am I (God knows why), most guys will want to avoid hitting the sheets with nothing other than ear hair to signal their manhood.  Rock Hard Power Spray purports to solve wood troubles before they become wood problems, and does so with a simple topical spritz.  A good deal, especially when one considers the possible alternatives.