The packaging for this sexy toy asks, "Are you man enough?" An apt question, considering how tight the plastic pussy inside is - and since it's cast from Tori's own opening, we have to ask, who knew she was this small? (Besides Paul Norman and a few porn stars, that is.)
The unit is heavy enough that once you've set it in a comfortable place, you don't have to touch it with any part of your body but your dick. You can, however, touch the control of the egg-shaped vibe that fits snugly into an orifice in the bottom of the unit, and we suppose you might want to add some of the enclosed lube in the pussy's open back end. (Make sure you've got a towel or something handy to catch any escaping jizz.) And to make sure you have an extra good time, you can look at the enclosed hot pic of Tori while you're doing your thing with her pussy's stand-in.