Now, I'm not much of a beer drinker -- I prefer those pink foofy drinks with gaudy pieces of fruit hanging over the edge of the glass and that all-so-important paper umbrella poking out of the top.
When Susie Ehrlich threw these little delights my way, I started to protest. She shot me a glare and snapped; "Shut up, Spencer. Look inside." And she walked away.
When I unscrewed the top and looked in at the pouty, supple vaginal lips, I started to cringe. But the, ohmygodinheaven, once I started to play I decided that my first-born child would go to Susie. She's always looking out for me [I hate children. Gimme a car. -- SE]
Greedy customers, once they discover that they can have both sex and beer (well, sort of), will snatch these up. The can also come equipped with lips and buttholes. A terrific gift for those who like to hide their toys.