The initial reaction of “Stick my penis into a hard drive?” quickly passes once curiosity takes over. The RealTouch promises to simulate the action on the screen—either from the included DVD or the pay-per-view scenes from the website—with moisture, heat and pressure. And it does exactly what it promises. Using it will make horny men feel like a kid in Willy Wonka’s place: “The blowjobs feel like blowjobs!” “The anal feels like anal!” That’s not to say there aren’t some drawbacks, but they are minor at best: The machine is not compatible with a Mac yet, and it can run a little loud, especially when it changes from one position to another. It’s a far cry from a bottle of lotion and a tube sock, and well worth the price of admission.
Retailing: You can easily increase sales by putting one on display so looky-loos can sample the goods—with their fingers, of course.
Contents: RealTouch unit, power unit, interactive DVD
Display: Shelf
MSRP: $$$$$