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Men's Pouch Harness & Ring Harness
Manufacturer: XTC Leather

Men's Pouch Harness & Ring Harness


If you want to experience what buying a new swimsuit must be like for a woman, slither into one of these harnesses from XTC, and find a full-length mirror. Then, watch in horror as every donut, french fry and corn chip you've ever eaten comes back to taunt you from places you used to think were relatively attractive. That's not to say there's anything wrong with the garments; other than the "one size fits most" BS, they're pretty well made. If only the same could be said for me. Ah, well... at least they got me into the gym.

If your store carries mid-range leather or lingerie, or if you have a lot of gay traffic, XTC's menswear should be on your racks.