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Birds Nipple Pasties by Rianne S.

Birds Nipple Pasties by Rianne S.


Inspired by the Alfred Hitchcock classic film of the same name, The Birds are leather pasties decorated with Swarovski crystals and soft colored feathers. A chic adornment created by the European company Rianne S., they provide a visual treat for partners. Once the self-adhesive pasties are in place, the feathers delicately tickle to add to the titillating sensation. And there is something about the combination of the soft feathers and the rough leather that is tantalizing, especially when the light hits the crystals just right.

Website: Rianne-S.com
Retailing: The Birds pasties are packaged in an elegant round purple box.
Colors: Black, purple, red
Materials: Leather, feathers, crystals, adhesive
MSRP: $$