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Age 51 (03/06/1974)
Height 170.18cm
Weight 120 lbs.
Hair Color Blonde
Measurements 38DD-24-36


Zana, what was you childhood like? Well, I started out life as a child but moved very quickly up the ladder to a young, generous, giving girl who was always eager to help out my fellow classmates. See, I grew up in Corpus Christi, Texas. And it seemed like all the girls I went to school with liked to tease their boyfriends and everyone else. So, me being the thoughtful girl I am, I was always there willing and eager to take care of their boyfriends after they dropped off their girlfriends for the night. I never got to wear a letter jacket or another boy's class ring, but I got the best of what they did have. I always wondered why most of the girls didn't like me? Oh well. Zana, how did you get into dancing? After high school I married a kooky guy who was from a family of ex-hippies. He wasn't too bright but he was a pervert and a sex fiend (just like me). That was all we ever had in common. And once I got tired of his anatomy there wasn't much left to the marriage. Two days after my 18th birthday, while I was living in Orlando, I had an itch to start my new career as a Hospitality Hostess/Sexual Tension Therapist (stripper for short). By this point in my life I knew I was a friendly generous girl (slut, tramp, etc.). I figured there was no place better to get naked and rub myself all over strange men and women; and still make a living (without getting arrested) than a strip club, Right?... Right!!! Where in the hell did the name Zana come from? Well believe it or not, on my first night of stripping I was more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. At my audition they were placing all the new girls up on stage in alphabetical order (according to their stage names). When they finally came to me they said, "Hey, blondie.what's your stage name?" By then I had a few too many drinks; and about the only thing that I remembered from school was sweaty young men and the backseats of their father's Oldsmobile. But I did know that the last letter of the alphabet was "Z", so I mumbled out as much understandable English as I could manage. It came out sounding something like "Zaaannnaaa!" Godddammmittt.lousssyy, fuckkker anyway! J And the name just stuck! From that day on, no matter where I went to go stripping I never had to change my name. So after a while it just became my name. Now the only people I know that call me anything but Zana are my mother and the occasional arresting police officer. (By the way.carrying porn DVD`s usually help to get ya out of tickets. Unless the cop is gay, then I`m screwed, and not in a good way!) Zana, I think most dancers hate their job. What about you? I have to tell ya'll something about stripping... I don't know for sure how it is for every girl, but the God's honest truth for me is that it gets me completely and TOTALLY HORNY! It's so nasty and dirty, going from guy to guy to girl to guy. After a long night of dancing, it's all that I can think about when I get home. At that point any penis within a three mile radius of my bedroom will most likely be violated that night. Zana, what ever happened to your first husband? Oh yes, I ditched my first husband. That happened to be easier than I thought because I convinced him to join the Navy. Suggesting that nine months on a submarine would be great for him and our marriage. But the truth of the matter was that I was the one that could have really used the nine months on a ship full of sailors all to myself. But no matter how well I blew the recruiting guy he kept telling me that it wasn't going to happen. Oh well, it's still a fantasy of mine. You know, just to support my country and all. I wouldn't really get any pleasure out of being the round-the-clock sex servant to 95 horny, home starved young men.Really!!! J Whew, remind me to call a producer.there's got to be a movie in this for me somewhere!! I read somewhere that you used to live in Chicago. How was that? Well, I hooked up with a male stripper that I picked up one night and moved on up to Chicago (my second home). He was good for a laugh (and a couple of other things) but the funny thing about him was he had this idea that people in relationships should only be having sex with each other, and no one else. You know, like monogamy!?! Very strange young man. He preferred doing it with the lights off, missionary position, and candles burning in the background. That sort of stuff... very silly. Anyway, he didn't last too long. But I did fall in love with Chicago. It's one great town. Good food. I still think about the Italian sausages you can get there from time to time while I'm sucking on someone else's Italian sausage.err.. uhh... never mind. The point is, I still miss the food.and the special sauces.wait, there I go again. Never mind... move on! Next question? Zana, how did you get into the Porn Industry? That's a great question. In order to answer that I need to tell you another story. While I lived in Chicago I was working at a bunch of different clubs. From there I started checking out multiple-partner sex. You know, picking up couples instead of just single guys and girls. I then moved my way up to small groups (just a couple of close friends that I had never met before)... just standard nymphomaniac stuff. It was great and I loved every minute of it. But after a while I figured out that if one person was good, then two or three would really be good. The more you have, the better it would be.... right? And boy was I right!!! One night I was lucky enough to be the center of attention in a seven-guy gangbang as the only female. It was a whole hell of a lot of fun. I got a cum bath and everything! But there was a good amount of wood trouble, and some of the guys could have been a little bigger. But that night, after they had all left, I popped in a porno tape that I had picked up somewhere in my travels. I noticed that all of the guys in it were pretty well hung and pretty good-looking. But most importantly, they had to keep fucking over and over again, in multiple positions; until someone else told them it was time to cum! How cool would that be? I thought to myself, "I can do that!" How hard could it be? If you want a full account of my first two days in porn and what got me there, check out my "True Tale of Lust". It's all 100% true, right down to the first pop-shot. Last question.... What are you doing now? Well, I currently live in Southern California filming new movies as often as I can and with as many people as I can. Having fun and getting laid. I love this job! It's perfect for me. Still to this day I have to giggle every time I get a paycheck. Who would have thought you could get paid to get laid? I love my country!!!