Pets Natasha, Natalia Starr Host ‘Penthouse’ Release Party Aug. 31

NEW YORK—Starr Sisters Natasha and Natalia will host a Penthouse issue release party this Saturday, August 31 at the Colony Nightclub in Hollywood to celebrate their cover and spread for the July-August issue of Penthouse Magazine’s annual “Badass Issue,” as well as having signed with the OC Modeling Agency.

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“It’s been an amazing summer for us and we have a lot of reasons to be grateful especially to our fans they support us and we love them,” said Natasha. “I’m ready to party and deliver a night no one will ever forget.” Little sister Natalia couldn’t agree more. “We have come so far since we have moved to the West Coast and now it’s time to party with our fans this Labor Day weekend.”

The Colony is located on 1743 North Cahuenga Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028 and can be contacted directly at 323-525-2450. For more information you can go to and you can follow them on Twitter. The door will open at 10pm.

The Starr Sisters have each been nominated for a Sex Award, Natalia has been nominated for Hottest New Girl and big sister Natasha has been nominated for Porn’s Best Body.

Natasha and Natalia Starr are available for booking and you can check them out on

Natalia and Natasha Starr are available for feature dance bookings and you can check them out at and  

Fans can follow Natasha Starr on Twitter and at Fans can follow Natalia Starr on Twitter. You can also follow both sisters together on Twitter here.