Misty Stone Signing at Bizzy B on July 7

HOLLYWOOD, CA — A very special Saturday afternoon is planned when adult video star Misty Stone and some of her costars from Wicked Pictures new hit movie Men in Black, A Hardcore Parody will be signing at one of Hollywood’s top adult boutiques, Bizzy B, this Saturday July 7 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. 

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Bizzy B is located at 6550 Hollywood Boulevard at Schrader in the heart of Hollywood. 

Stone will be there with several fellow cast members, including James Bartholet, who portrays M.I.B. leader Zed, this weekend. The cast will be signing the Men in Black, A Hardcore Parody DVDs and photos out that the fans will delight in purchasing. 

"I'm looking forward to the store signing and meeting my fans in person on the 7th, baby," exclaimed Stone. 

The special event signing is part of an ongoing publicity campaign in association with the popular adult boutique. Photographers and fans alike are welcome at the store’s signings. 

“We’ve been very happy to have the Galaxy Publicity clients signing here,” stated Bizzy B’s owner and designer, Beatrice.