Jupiter Jetson, Sheri’s Ranch Profiled by UK’s 'The Sun'

LOS ANGELESJupiter Jetson was recently profiled by U.K.’s tabloid The Sun in an online article called "SEXPOSED I work at a legal sex ranch, I’ve taken over 38 V-cards."

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The piece focuses on Sheri's Ranch, with a description of the sex palace and playrooms. Jetson (who refers to herself as a "budget Miley Cyrus") was the only courtesan mentioned in the piece, and she talked about how she helps her clients live out their fantasies and shares what it's like working at the brothel. Jetson divulged she's helped 38 men ditch their virginity. She also talked about the importance of having hobbies to fight boredom.

Read the article in its entirety at thesun.co.uk.

Said Jetson, "This article is amazing! I love that The Sun was checking out Sheri's and my social media to write this. I started my TikTok just to answer the questions of people emailing me. I had no idea it would take off like this."

Jetson has also gone viral on TikTok @jupiterjetson. Her legal courtesan account aims to answer questions and to educate followers. With over 280,000 followers, Jetson's posts have millions of views. 

To book Jetson, contact Mark Schechter of ATMLA at mark@atmla.com or (818) 825-1239. View her agency photos and her availability at atmla.com

Follow Jetson on X and Instagram.