LOS ANGELES, CA — In this second volume of her Boot Camp series Ash Hollywood trains and instructs eager teens on how to become porn stars. They learn how to fuck, suck, eat pussy and take sex toys, as well as the fine and fun points.
Immoral Productions CEO Porno Dan Leal said, “Ash Hollywood picked some very enthusiastic and eager to please teen models for this second edition of her Boot Camp. She really puts them through the paces as she challenges them to keep up with her as she fucks, sucks and goes at it with furious sexual energy. These tender teens are really ready for life as a porn star after she gets through with them.”
Hollywood gets the action going by making 19-year-old Lizzy London to orgasm repeatedly. Then 18 year-old Lexi Kartel learns how to use her ass. Tracey Sweet is an obedient and eager-to-please 19 year-old.
As with the entire Immoral Productions catalog, this title is distributed by Pure Play Media. The National Sales Manager of Pure Play, Sonia said, “Ash Hollywood really steps it up a notch in this second edition of her Boot Camp series. The teens in this volume are truly into pleasing her by learning to become proper porn stars.”
Hollywood stated, “I had a great time training these teenage girls how to become porn stars and I can tell that they truly enjoyed it, as well!”