BURBANK, Calif. - HUSTLER talent coordinator Jennifer Larsen will attend tonight's Porn Star Karaoke event at Sardo's Bar.
Hostess Sienna Sinclaire will be promoting her cover spread in Hustler's new "Girls of My Space 2" special. Sexy stars Daisy Duxe and Juliana Jolene will join the Hustler staff in the VIP area.
Porn Star Karaoke takes place every Tuesday from 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. PSK is open to the public as well as to members of the adult industry. The reserved section for the industry is held until 10:30 p.m.
Sardo’s Bar is located at 259 N. Pass Ave. in Burbank, just off the 134 freeway. More information is available at www.SardosBar.com.