CYBERSPACE—For a limited time, webmasters who lease Webmaster Central’s ex-girlfriend feed can choose to receive a package of award-winning straight content for a few dollars more per month. According to Vice President Joel Kapchuk, the offer is Webmaster Central’s way of giving hardworking adult industry entrepreneurs a leg up on creating complete websites that will produce new revenue streams without breaking the bank.
“Webmaster Central has you covered,” Kapchuk said. “Over the past two years, we’ve been collecting an exclusive collection of the best ex-girlfriend content available. It’s 100-percent mobile- and tablet-compatible and comes with thousands of HD images for your tours.
“We also give clients 30-, 60- and 90-second commercials — free — to use on tour pages,” he added. “We’ll even design your tour pages for you, for a nominal fee.”
Kapchuk said Webmaster Central’s ex-girlfriend feeds convert. Amateur content is perennially popular — surfers can’t get enough of real amateurs in real hardcore action. Combine the quality of Webmaster Central’s material with the customizability built into the company’s proprietary delivery system, and webmasters can have a branded, moneymaking website online within days.
Webmaster Central's ex-girlfriend leased content is updated daily, providing a constant stream of new material. The company’s delivery system is compatible with popular CMS platforms like ElevatedX and MechBunny, offering site owners the ability to employ several billing models, including per-download fees. The feeds allow webmasters to embed video advertising, providing an advantage when it comes to up-selling and cross-selling existing members. Custom white-labeled sites or XML gateways can be built to the client’s specific needs.
“Thinking about starting an ex-girlfriend site and making more money?” asked Kapchuk. “Don’t put it off any longer. The sheer amount of content in this deal will give you everything you need to have your ex-girlfriend site live within just a few days and with pricing from only $200.”
The limited-time offer adds Webmaster Central’s award-winning straight content package starting at $100 per month.
For a free, no-obligation demonstration, email [email protected].
More information about the company’s selection of products and services is available here.