Webmaster Central Now Compatible with iPad Mini, iPhone 5

CYBERSPACE — Webmaster Central takes pride in quickly extending new technologies for its online partners. The company was the first to introduce mobile-compatible content, XML gateways, in-video advertising and other features that now are standard fare in the industry. Now comes another first: all of Webmaster Central’s mobile feeds are completely compatible with Apple’s latest introductions, the iPad Mini and iPhone 5.

“Webmaster Central clients will now be able to announce to their members that 100 percent of their mobile feeds will work on the hottest new Apple devices,” said president Andy Alvarez. “End-users expect to be able to watch what they want wherever they are on whatever device is handy. If a website can’t give them that convenience, they’ll go somewhere else.

“Making content work, and work well, on the newest platforms as quickly as possible has been shown to increase retention and conversions across all niches,” he continued. “When your members know you’re taking care of them, they will take care of you by remaining members.”

According to Alvarez, clients report that adding Webmaster Central content feeds increased retention and conversion numbers for some sites by as much as 50 percent. Alvarez attributes the surge to a number of factors, including daily high-definition updates and high-quality material. He’s proud of his company’s reputation in those areas, but he’s even more proud of Webmaster Central’s devotion to providing a comprehensive delivery package.

“While other companies focus on marketing, Webmaster Central focuses on our clients’ needs by acquiring the best HD content supported by the best technology,” he said. “Our load times, prices, platform and content simply are unrivaled in the industry. We feel it's time for websites to take a hard look at the bonus content they’re offering their members, because chances are they’re paying too much for the privilege of providing sub-par material.

“We promise our clients two things: We’ll beat any price they’re paying now for content, and we’ll make them more money than they’re making now,” Alvarez continued. “As long as we deliver on those promises, the future looks brighter than ever.”

Webmaster Central’s technology gives clients control over almost every aspect of end-user satisfaction and, consequently, profitability. The look and behavior of feeds is customizable. In addition, the company’s XML platform is integrated with popular back-ends like ElevatedX and Mech Bunny, and detection and delivery of the appropriate format for each device is automatic. All a webmaster needs to do is plug in the feed and go.

“With both device usage and device variety on the rise, leased content makes more sense than ever,” Alvarez said. “It takes a considerable amount of time, effort and expense to optimize and display video content for all the different devices in use by today’s porn fans. With Webmaster Central’s leased content, this is all done for you automatically, which means you get to focus on driving traffic and making money.”

For a free two-week trial of Webmaster Central’s XML gateway or a customized white-label built specifically for your site, contact [email protected]. For more information about the company’s services, visit WebmasterCentral.com.